Grow & Show (2022)
Grow & Show (20th August 2022)
Grow & Show Gardening Event (Saturday 20th August 2022)
The fourth Grow and Show gardening event at Whitehouse Village Hall was a great celebration of what can be achieved in our gardens. Entries of garden produce made a wonderful display of the growing successes of local gardeners. Despite the varying weather this year, there were excellent vegetables produced and the wide variety on show gave the viewing public plenty to muse over as they tried to select their choices for the People’s Vote. The Grow and Show event is intentionally a non-competitive show- we want everybody to feel able to show off what they have achieved in their gardens! The People’s Vote engages the visitors and hopefully encourages their participation in the next year’s show. The flowers entered in ‘Best of my Garden’ class were a delight and gave a very colourful display.
The results of the People’s Vote were: Fruit and Veg- Wendy Spy; Flowers&Floral Art- Ian McLachlan. They were presented with beautifully crafted wooden plaques made by John Coon.
This year we had tasty hot food- Ifferdale Farm beefburgers, Venison sausages (Stewart Marshall, gamekeeper) and a lovely selection of home-made cakes served with tea/coffee. Tarbert Spinners gave an interactive show of the skills in spinning wool- this was enjoyed by all ages. The fun painting stall produced some lovely painted vases, all quite unique! The business of wine-making was presented by Gareth Roberts. A highlight of the afternoon was the GQT session, chaired with great humour by David Spy and this year’s experts Daniel Griffiths, Ian McLachlan and John Wylie shared their wide knowledge answering many questions from the audience. This year’s weather seemed to be the main contributing factor to several gardening problems. Not something we can control!!
The Show was kindly supported by the COOP, Kintyre Electrics, D. McNair &Son Ltd, The Garden Shop, The Factory Shop, MacKay’s Ironmongers, The Gather restaurant, Ifferdale Farm, Stewart Marshall Gamekeeper. And of course many of the local community in their donations of baking and items for the Bottle Stall.
Thank you to our Sponsors and those who made donations
The organisers would like to thank the many volunteers who gave their time before, during and after the show and in particular sponsors who have given cash or donations or lent equipment. In particular these are;
The Co-Op,
D. McNair & Son Ltd
The Garden Shop, Campbeltown,
The Factory Shop, Campbeltown,
Kintyre Electrics, Tarbert,
Ifferdale Farm, Kintyre Beef,
Stewart Marshall, Gamekeeper,
Mackay's Ironmongers, Tarbert,
The Gather Restaurant.
Creating our own vase designs at the Painting Tent. Lovely vases for the beautiful flowers we grow in our gardens. Lots of fun at the Grow and Show gardening event in Whitehouse.