Grow & Show (2021)
Grow & Show Highlights (August 2021)
Whitehouse once again produced a top notch Grow and Show on Saturday. The event was attended by more than 70 people, with 20 people entering over 100 garden produce entries. 40 people took part in the people’s vote and the winners of the beautifully carved awards by John Coon were:
Floral: Hilary Sinclair
Vegetable: Amanda Curley
Fruit: Wendy Spy
Children's: Robert Hawthorn.
The Show was opened by Cllr Anne Horn who received a beautiful bouquet at the end. While numbers were down on previous years, (we were unlucky with the weather!) everyone agreed there was plenty of interest. In addition to contributing garden produce, visitors could enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and freshly cooked burgers.
There were some lucky winners at the bottle stall and a number of problems were aired at Gardeners' Question Time, ably chaired by David Spy. Pete Creech, Iain McLachlan and John and Margit Wyllie did their best to help out with queries about mystery brassicas, eliminating bracken and plants to attract bees. Margit produced a fine-looking pepper plant and explained how she had kept it going over the winter, then gave a brief talk on hydroponics.
Outside, our new gazebos were put to use at the food stall and at the Paint a Plant Pot stall. Peter Simson gave a fascinating demonstration of green woodworking and invited people to try it themselves. The plant stall was popular too with flowers, veg and shrubs on sale.
The organisers would like to thank the many volunteers who gave their time before, during and after the show and in particular sponsors who have given cash or donations or lent equipment. In particular these are;
The Co-Op,
Argyll and Bute Council Community Fund,
D. McNair and Son Ltd.,
Mackay's Ironmongers, Tarbert,
Kintyre Electrics, Tarbert,
Hyslop Butchers, Tarbert,
Skipness Smokehouse,
The Garden Shop, Campbeltown,
The Factory Shop, Campbeltown
Tarbert Academy.
Watch the Grow & Show highlights!